Mine, Albania, Beralb, Copper, Copper mine
Mine, Albania, Beralb, Copper, Copper mine
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Environment Rehabilitation

  |   Business, Processing Copper Factory

Daily care

Care for the environment is one of the priorities of Beralb sha.
We consistently are focused on the rehabilitation of the environment where our company has impacted in years, covering it with good soil and planting grass and trees.


Care for the environment is one of the priorities of Beralb sha. Reducing environmental risks and improving the conditions of their assets. In addition to the exploitation and treatment processes, Beralb sha has undertaken the ongoing rehabilitation of the mining areas and monitoring of all environmental parameters to meet the norms and standards laid down in Albanian and European environmental legislation.

For us as a company, it is very important to have a healthy environment for ourselves and for the community of  the city where we operate. Protecting  the environment and health is one of the biggest responsibilities of a society, therefore mutual cooperation between these factors is a prerequisite and necessity for the cultivation of a clean and healthy environment for everyone. Our work consists in the follow-up, control, implementation of all the tasks related to the technical and organizational problems of the implementation of the rules of technical insurance and protection at work of the employees, as well as environmental ones in relation to the activities carried out in the geological aspect. to the mining activity.

Environment Monitoring parameters:

 – Air monitoring underground and surface
 – Dust monitoring
 – Acoustic monitoring
 – Vibration monitoring

Water controlling parameters:

 – Physical parameters include color, taste, odor, temperature, turbidity, solids, conductivity, and salinity (Company laboratory)
 – Chemical parameters include pH (Company laboratory), acidity, alkalinity, chlorine, hardness, dissolved oxygen, and biological oxygen demand

(Accredited laboratories in Albania)
 – Biological parameters include nutrients, bacteria, algae and viruses (accredited laboratories in Albania)

Working with Community:

 – Working with community for rehabilitation of environment
 – Employing local people is policy of our company
 – Maintaining local roads
 – Collaborating with local community for the small projects that are in interest of the community there.

Periodic Monitoring

In the mines of Munella and Qafe Bari the company operates the deposit for the decantation of the solids and chemical treatment of the waters to reach the normal pH parameters. In the future, the company in cooperation with the government and other international institutions will be involved in the rehabilitation of the old dams of ex state enterprises operating in the copper industry.